Become a more confident online salon owner. Learn how to start showing up and showing your face online to connect with your audience and convert your followers into bookings and sales 📈📈💰💰
What you'll get:
- Confidence Bible, everything you need to get started.
- 28 Days of Prompts and Challenges, Delivered Weekly to Your Inbox Every Sunday.
- 4 Industry Guest Speakers and Mentors to help you overcome your inner mean girl (or boy) and comparisonitis and help you step out of the shadows.
- Private Instagram Community to help keep you motivated and accountable.
- REAL RESULTS! It's time to start wishing and start DOING!
Disclaimer: This is a digital product, no physical products will be provided.
Pay in full $97.00 AUD 2x Monthly Payments of $52.00 AUD